Stacking the Shelves: An Eclectic Mix

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly series created by tyngas reviews where I talk about the books I've recently added to my ever growing to-read shelf.

So last time I wrote a post for this meme (seriously though y'all, meme? why?) I included all books that have been added to my to-read list. This week, I thought I would focus more on the books that have recently come into my possession to read (I think that is the actually point of the series..oops). 

I'm an odd book blogger (if I can even call myself that! I feel like there is a minimum number of posts one must write before one is officially a blogger) in that I don't buy books. Partly because I'm on a budget and partly because since I don't re-read books, I don't see the point in owning them.

There are, of course, a few exceptions to this rule-- books that mean something special to me, books I don't want to send back to the library. But besides those (ooo, maybe I smell a future blog post?), I am content with getting all my books from my friendly neighborhood library. After all, any novel that I'm itching to read and that doesn't currently sit on their shelves, I can get through inner-library loans for the low, low price of fifty cents. (what a bargain!)

But back to the point of this post: what treasures did I pick up a my local library this week?

876360 Island of the Innocent by the Morris (library)
By the way, the synopsis on Goodreads for this novel is my type of synopsis-- as in it barely tells you anything about the plot.

8788554  First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones (what an interesting first name!) (library)
I saw book #39, or whatever number she's on, on someone's blog and they really seemed to be enjoying the series. It sounded cute so I decided to pick up the first book.


 A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains by Isabella L. Bird (library)

I rarely read nonfiction, and it's something that I want to work on. I stumbled upon this travel journal while looking for a book about a local trail system. I was debating picking up Lewis and Clark's travel logs which I just spotted. On of the one hand, holy cow, talk about founding adventurers. On the other hand, I was worried it would be a bit dry. While I was debating, I spotted this book and picked up. After reading the intro paragraph I was hooked.

And there we have it! I've got historical fiction, I've fantasy, and I've got nonfiction travel memoir! Tell me, what books did you pick up this week?

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