TTT: Series I Want to Start

Hello and welcome back to another Top Ten Tuesday, a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's theme: series that I want to start but haven't. 

I'll admit, I have mixed feelings about series, especially long ones. On the one hand, I love when authors have more time and space to develop characters and relationships which can often times feel rushed crammed into the space of one novel. 

On the other hand, long series can feel like ruts, canyons I fall into and get so preoccupied with, that I forget that there is an outside world, aka other books to read. This all being said, there are series that I want to start, but haven't found the time yet. 

To the books! 
23848232 Come Hell or Highball by Maia Chance
I came across this author reading a review on iwishilivedinalibrary's blog. It looks promising, a murder mystery series set during Prohibition. But. Y'all. I read so many murder mystery series I'm worried I'll soon get sick of them. Most murder mysteries require normal people to just stumble over dead bodies at an alarming rate-- I mean I can only suspend my belief so much ((I'm looking at you Daisy Dalrymple!)). I used to read more Victorian-era murder mysteries, until they started to feel very formulaic. 

26521489  A Most Extraordinary Pursuit by Juliana Gray
Same song, different verse. (ha ha I had a physics teacher in undergrad who liked to say that) It looks like an interesting murder mystery but I think I need to space out my murder mystery reading.

16343 The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie
I'm going to admit something: I've never finished an Agatha Christie novel.
I know, I know! It's Agatha Christie! Sacrilege! I just couldn't get into the first Ms Marple novel -- though now that I know the ending I'm tempted to try again (how weird is that??). I enjoy watching Monsieur Poirot ((the protagonist of this novel)) on Netflix so I need to give the book a try one of these days.

6555509 Faith by Lori Copeland
I'm torn between wanting to read this historical frontier romance and thinking that it'll be too cliche and hooky ((and of course it's the first in a series!)). Also starting the first in a series feels like an obligation-- I'm not only signing up to read this book, I feel like I'm signing up to get involved with yet another long series.

And that's it! This week I'm rebelling and can only think of four series that I have on my to-read list (The Mysterious Affair has been there for years) yet haven't managed to start yet!

What about you? Are the beginning books of series more likely to languish on your to-read list as compared to stand alone novels? Which series have you not got around to yet?


  1. Interesting contrasts to physics!

    Lisa @

    1. That's true! I actually don't read many books about science or with scientists as main characters.

  2. I love that cover of A Most Extraordinary Pursuit. I think I saw that one a while back, nice to be reminded. I love that retro style cover, it screams READ ME.

    I've never finished a Christie either.

    1. I know, I'm a sucker for pretty covers and I love the retro style of A Most Extraordinary Pursuit.
      Haha I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!
