Dear Sunday: NaNo has begun

Dear Sunday is my weekly post participating in the Caffeinated Book Reviewer series.

The protected forest behind my apartment :)

Ahh November. The month of turkey, and family, of changing leaves and early evenings, and of writing 50,000 words in just 30 days. 

And, this year, it means a month of not looking at my analytics as I devote my free time away from my beloved little blog and towards writing. I'm throwing words down on my novel but man, it isn't pretty. 

But that's alright! The point of November is to get the novel on paper (metaphorically speaking. some people write their novels by hand. I am not that crazy) not to get a beautiful novel on paper. Later I can go back and make each scene beautiful but before they can be improved they must exist. 

Thank you for letting me have this Dear Sunday just be my pep talk to myself :P 

I might write a post with just pretty fall photos? Like it's obviously not book-related but it is a post I can easily post...what do y'all think? Is that something you would want to see?

  • TTT: Characters Who Would Make Great Leaders
  • ...and sadly that is probably going to be it! I really need to focus more time and energy on my novel right now. It's a story that I love and have wanted to write about for years, so I really want to make this first draft the best it can be. I apologize for my absence from the blogsphere during this month!  
Okay that's it for me! I need to go write. (Get used to hearing that friends and family!) What about you? Are you doing NaNo? Or are you a slightly more sane person?

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