TTT: 5 Books My Kids Will Read (or I'll disown them)

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This week's top ten tuesday theme is books I want my (super far out in the) future kids to read. I've compiled some of the books that I adored reading when I was a kid.

Harry Potter

What list of childhood favorites would be complete without a HP reference? I adored this series growing up.

Chronicles of Narnia

Ahh another classic! This series is amazing and beautiful.

Alanna: The First Adventure

This is a series about a girl who wanted to be a knight and when I was a child I wanted to be her SO BAD. So yeah. A must read for my child of either gender.

Little House on the Prairie

Another classic and must read for my future kids. Reading this as a kid made me want to time travel to the past and explore the wild west (as an adult I much prefer the antibiotic/women's suffrage/indoor plumbing that the present has to offer)

Dear America

This was one of my favorite series growing up; each book is the diary of a girl in some important historical time. I remember devouring the books as a child (I can even still remember where in the children's section they were located!).

And that's it! Five books that my future kids will read or I'll disown them. Just kidding, my future kids don't have to be big readers (what am I saying of course they will be readers how could they not be). 
What about you? And if you've already had kids, did they love the same books you did?

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