Disliking Everyone's Fav || Ready Player One DNF Review

I don't think I've ever written a review for a book that I did not finish.

After all I rarely give up on a book-- or if I do, often times my feelings are more apathetic than strong and I don't feel the need to write them down.

But, since I was /so excited/ for this book and waited /months/ to get a hold of my library's audiobook, I thought I would explain why Ready Player One did not live up to my expectations.

9969571Ready Player One is set in the not-so-distant future where the world sucks, everyone's destitute, and there is only one escape from the horrible realities of life: the OASIS. The OASIS is a virtual reality world you log into and contains everything from malls to schools to brothels.

I love sci-fic and the premise of the book drew me in. That and the fact that Wil Wheaton was narrating it totally sealed the deal.

I was ready for a fast-paced innovative tale which featured futuristic technology. I was ready to marvel. I was ready for action.

I was not ready for complete and total boredom. However that is what Ready Player One delivered for the first seven chapters. Something finally happened in chapter 7 but we didn't have interesting conflict until later.

So. What happened during those first seven chapters, you might ask?

An entire expose of the 1980s. The plot was comprised almost entirely of a kid doing research on 1980s games, songs, fashion, etc. And what's more boring than doing that research?

Reading about it.

After seven chapters things picked up a little but the entire book remained listless and boring. When my loan ended and the audiobook disappeared off my phone I couldn't muster up any disappointment.

Finally. I thought. don't have to keep listening to that.

Let me say that Wil Wheaton is my fav and he did a great job at narrating-- the issue lies in the complete lack of an engaging plot. The author springboarded off other games and technology and the book features very little of his own originality.

All in all? Skip the lines and try another sci-fic book (such as Binti or Conservation of Shadows or Long Way to a Small Angry Planet).

Let me know-- have you read Ready Player One? Did you, like everyone else it seems, love it??

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