Dear Sunday: Welcome!

This weekly series was inspired by Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Dear Sunday:

This is it. The first post. My electronic first impression. No pressure or anything....

Each Sunday I take a second to look back at what happened during the past week. What posts I wrote (which makes little sense this Sunday, seeing how it is also my first. post. ever), what books I finished, what frustrating-why-do-i-live-my-life-like-this moments happened during the course of my research (as those are sadly a dime a dozen), etc. A little snapshot of my life both on and offline for your perusal.

But perhaps I'm getting a head of myself! As this is my first ever post you might be asking yourself any of the following reasonable questions: where in the world did I end up? why are the cubs only ranked third in their division when they are clearly the superior team? what does this barely existent newborn blog even talk about? 

Questions to which I'd answer: books *spreads arms grandly*.

Oh, sorry, you want a bit more detail? Fine, fine, whatever.

You see, I've always been in love with books. I remember lugging home piles of books from the library as a child, always feeling like I was stealing something wonderful as I walked out with all these exciting stories just waiting to be told.

And while I take considerably smaller stacks home from the library nowadays, not much else has changed. I still firmly believe in running away from reality and diving into books especially when reality consists of failed experiments, or advanced quantum mechanics courses, or having your best friends be inconsiderate enough to live hours away.

Participating in the Goodreads book challenge has been a great motivator to get me back on track. During the first year of grad school reading was pushed to the sidelines as my life was flooded with other responsibilities and stresses. But the idea of a challenge-- a reading goal that I constantly want to beat (did I mention I was competitive?)-- has caused me to be more conscious of how I'm spending my free time, trying to curb the hours of YouTube to devote more time to my stack of to-read books.

So what do you, my new friend, have to look forward to? I'm glad you asked. Book reviews, recommendations, existential crises , and more all geared to helping you find your new favorite book.

  I can't wait.


  1. Congrats on your first post! I love books as well! Have a great week ahead.

    1. Thanks! Haha yeah, aren't they pretty swell? (I've been listening to audiobooks set in the early 1900s and I've been trying my hardest to keep the words from seeping into my everyday language but it just happens sometimes) I hope you have a great week as well!

  2. Is this really your first post ever? Wow!!! That's so cool. A big congrats and welcome to the blogging world! How does it feel? :)

    I already don't remember my first post, and that was like.. only a little bit over a half a year ago, I think? You'll love having a blog. At least it has worked out for me :)

    Also, my Sunday update, if you're curious:

    Will be waiting for your further posts!

    1. Thanks! Haha well technically I've had a personal blog for years now-- but I wanted to have a blog that
      a) didn't rely on me shamelessly begging friends/family members to read and
      b) had like an actual consistent theme
      so I thought I would try my hand at writing about one of my passions, books!

      Haha I'm glad the blogging has worked out for you! I enjoyed reading your Sunday update :)

  3. Congrats on your blog's first post! How exciting! I'm a Pirates fan myself :) hehe

    Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Congrats on your first post! Today was mine as well, kind of. I stepped away from the blogging world for a couple years, today was my first day back. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks! Your posting schedule is impressive-- especially with the whole working/schooling/parenting thing!

  5. Welcome to the book blogging world! I am a Phillies fan. Look forward to reading some of your reviews and recommendations.

    1. Thank you! :) Haha I'm glad I'm not the only baseball and reading fan. Baseball is a great sport because it's slow enough I often read a book while watching a game.

  6. Congratulations on starting a book blog,I am pretty new to it myself, it is a huge time suck with all the reading, writing an chatting but its fun and so far worth it.
    If you are interested my month old book blog can be found here
    (sorry sign in doesen't work on blogger anymore)

    1. Yeah, it does take up some time with all the reading-- and not to mention all the books that are appearing on my to-read list after browsing other blogs-- but it is fun thus far :)
