It's Monday: what I'm reading

It's Monday: what are you reading? is a weekly series hosted by The Book Date blog!

Welcome to my first post in this quite self-explanatory series! I'm working my way through a couple books and thought I would share them with you-- I've mentioned them before but here's a little more about them:


Man. Y'all. If I could invent a time machine (one that travels to the past because traveling to the future is already theoretically possible which thus makes it a tad bit boring) I would like nothing more than to travel with Isabella. This book is a series of letters she wrote to her sister while traveling through the American West in the 1870s. She is bold and adventurous, up for anything, never faltering even when she wakes up to her bed covered in snow due to a blizzard, or the fact that 'road' is a subjective term in the mostly undeveloped wild west. 

Non-fiction takes me ages to read but I am slowly making my way through this amazing travel memoir. Her writing is captivating-- it would be a fascinating read even without all the adventures. 


I'll be honest: between starting a draft of this post and hitting publish I actually finished the book. But! I still thought I would leave it here. I love this book so much. Like so much. I can't wait to write a review about how much I love it. I am so pumped that there is a sequel.

And that's it! Like I mentioned on Sunday, I'm in the middle of a move-- which leads straight to a family reunion, so I haven't had time to stack my shelves and start new books, as most of them are hidden away in brown boxes. 

You might be looking at the handy dandy widget on the side of my blog which lists my 'currently reading' books and then back to this list and then you might be a tad bit confused. You see, there are some books that have an almost honorary role on my list. They are books that I haven't finished but also haven't given up on, books that I take out every now and then and read a bit more of. 

Odd? Quite possibly. 

What about you? What are you reading? Do you have any honorary current reading books? Am I alone in this world? 


  1. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains sounds amazing, I like that kind of historical book too. Ah a bed full of snow. Women like her were very brave.

    1. They really were! It's crazy to think of how bold and adventurous people like her were, especially considering societal expectations of women at the time.

  2. A Lady's Life does sound interesting, I don't read a lot of non fiction anymoe but I do love reading about the expansion west, and the explorations and whatnot that took place. Just the idea of all that unexplored land, no roads... fascinating.

    And of course Long Way I'm a big fan of. :)

    1. Yeah, I think it's such an interesting time period! So much was undiscovered by non-natives and there was so much possibility.

  3. Oh — I loved A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains when I read it. Drama camp was a hit with my daughter. My son is doing well with cross country. And our big move is less than two weeks away! Come see what I've been reading

    1. Oh cool! I wasn't sure how many people had heard of that book.

      Good luck with your move-- I just (kind of) finished mine!
