My TBR list is massive but it's sprawling in an unorganized sort of way. I'll read them when I read them type of mentality. I want to start all of them at roughly the same time, so the idea of picking out a few of them that I was going to read in 2017 and subsequently failed seemed like an impossible task.
But when I sat down and skimmed my TBR I realized that there were a few gems that constantly percolated to the top of my to-read shortlist. Books that I really did want to start next, but for some reason or another, constantly failed to. Either they were on hold or well..on hold (I'm an almost 100% exclusive library reader).
Regardless here are four books that I really did mean to read last year and totally will read (or not, only time will tell) in 2018. It's a decently diverse list-- one nonfiction travel journal by a super awesome woman (Abundant Beauty), one super iconic nonfiction (My Life in France), one that the internet has convinced me will be superb (The Bear and the Nightingale), and one that looks right up my alley (Ready Player One).
What about you? Any books that you totally actually for real meant to read in 2017...and just didn't?
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