Dear Sunday: Turning 25

Dear Sunday is my weekly post participating in the Caffeinated Book Reviewer series.

me and a bridge (squint real hard and you'll see it)
This is sort of a weird title to have, considering my birthday was actually a week ago! But since I was busy traveling to California a week ago, I thought I might as well mention that I apparently turned a quarter of a century. 

Every birthday is different, and this one featured an abundance of physics and a sad lacking of cake. Considering that I once had like four cakes for one birthday I suppose it all averages out ;) 

Anyhow, I'm writing this while taking a brief break from studying for my exam on Monday-- I missed four classes going to that conference and now I have to do ALL THE STUDYING. Luckily this week's posts are scheduled (I'm on a roll!) so rest assured they will go up even if I accidently get buried in my notes. 

  • Top Ten Tuesday: 5 books I wish I could reread for the first time 
  • Thoughts from places: San Franciso
    • in which I shameless steal John Green's 'thoughts from places' idea and write all about how I felt about San Fran. Warning: it's not pretty. 

That's all for me! I'm back to memorizing as much as possible before the day of reckoning  my exam on Monday. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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